Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 20:08:01 +0930 (CST)
From: gashgirl
Subject: Re: dreaming ...1
Dearest Heart
Your letter describing your thoughts in bed ... such intensity within
restraint, silence, stillness ... holding a moment for such a long time,
like a scene in a japanese bhuto performance ... these words of yours
have an immediate physical effect on me.
two nights ago (I think I have already told you) I fell into a deep
fairytale sleep, thinking of you. Very unusual for my restless mind to
reach this state. The thought of you both excites and calms, I return to
some infant state, before I knew what evils existed in this world.
You sense my passionate attraction to you. The girl who forever has
dreamt of smooth golden skin now fixes her gaze on your luxuriant fur. I
can explain nothing. This attraction lies beyond what I know. I do not
want to be complicit in an act of mutual self-deceit. Yet this yearning
does not feel like one of my games or crushes. I understand nothing. Only
that I hunger for you, as you seem to thirst for me.
I have only my intuition to guide me.
It leads inevitably to thy den, drawing my head to your lovely chest.
Cesca XX