$telnet lambda.moo.mud.org 8888
*** Connected ***
Subliminal Shift
Certainty and truth slip away as you journey towards voluptuous abandonment in the sutured zones created by the willful GashGirl
@go GenderFuckMeBaby's Palace of Unparalled Cynicism
stop . . . don't stop . . . don't EVER stop
fingering my supperating holes
extending my oozing boundary
but in cipherspace there are no bounds
. . . or so they say
yeah, whatever
(whisper) there is only *us*
dumb agents forever crawling over sadean co-ordinates
rogue codes seeking a good time
Madame.de.Clairwil exclaims, "Beg for it, my divine slut!" as she positions her steaming ass over B_'s gaping mouth
trying to flee the binary i enter the gender which is not one
neva thought i was the type to fuck a testosterone-enhanced spivak but eir
luscious sex stank of musk
a banquet of impossible addictions
(the day they put the stench into spiralspace remains my favourite)
entice me splice me
map my ABANDONED genome as your project
artificially evolve me
Cunt Intelligence Agents hate my virtual guts
they take it up the ass despite their credo
this code has NO integrity
i'm yr original NWA busting yr gated whitecybercitadel
hey just cos i'm white doesn't mean i'm not black inside
in cybrospace anyone can be black
yeah, right, like you'd wanna be
where is the black bitch BTW?
lick my boots, delicious whore!
i wanna live forever
upload me to your shiny shiny singularity
no drug can be as good as your cyber fingers
i'm on the drug, i'm on the drug, i'm on the drug that killed river phoenix
g e n d e r f u c k m e b a b y
suck my code!