wednesday 01 march 2000

my life as a (mail) log
hi jane
the caption could be:
Francesca da Rimini 'los dias y las noches de los muertos' Image
havet swum yet
but have started writing and there were a shilload literally of quokkas in the toilets tonite
the macropos is rite at the southermnmost tip of the island
..and i am here in a pod .. on rottnest island.. ... xx
dearest s
i just get scared when im asked to write anything!
but damm its gorgeous down here
even if i didnt get to go swimmin today
f -------->xoxo ---------->s
hi yvonne
the address u had listed in the PR was for the version at the server at SYSX not at the thing
i want to download it myself so that i can check all the files for errors
we have a fast connexion here at MAKROLAB, and a burner
i can send it airmail next week, it should arrive withion one week after i mail it
i see some confusion
i wrote my corrections in brackets [[...]]]
so the url the CORRECT url, ok!
and these are the other CORRECT details
doll yoko
soundtrack for an empty dollspace
seeya :-)
ciao bella
thanks for your glowing smile over my ghost fields :-)
havent sussed out what is possible for monday, but i will have a meeting with marko peljhan about it today i hope...they will have a live webcam set up in the lab so it shd be possible for u to see the intereior and outside views, they have a webcast evryday ay 11am perth time...u have to check yr world clock to see what the timewd be in NY then
i am taking pix with a sony digital video camera which i will upload as stills for idrunners possible use...u want me to upload em to your account, or mine? if yrs..u wanna give me a login and password? if mine, ill tell u mine
i saw the pr for runners..what u gonna do babe?
ok, better upload pix to lab diary now
loads of love
doll xoxoxoxoox
i forgot
been looking at id site
i love the metrophage fading text, i think it works really well
no beer, no pub,this is the southern most poibt of the island, repretty deserted, not om busroute
am churning out images for los dias
hope to makesome field recordings inside lab for mikey
and gather some data for identity runners
when u r all *really Bored*...
u can perve on us at the makrolab
live feed, 2 on my bed so u can watch me dribble and toss and turn in my lonely little bunk bed at nite, !
its very nice here, u shd all apply to come when its set up in scotland next year., or somewhere else, its a 10 year projec, ending in 2007 at antarctica
is like a cubby house, very cute
sexcam bedcam labcam, all the one url, just rotating vuiiews, but dunno if drubblecanm is f8unctioning ppoper yet
i have a top bunk and its a struggle getten up there, but i have the best ever sleepz!
fuck!@ i hope u dint see my blubbadollbutt!
ill pay anything notto have daggy flesh go public ;-)
name yr price
my planz r all astray
my room in rome was rented to sumone eksle, and now marco and i "renegotiating" everything all over agen, altho i aint herd from him for 4 days so mebbes hes dumped me...,so rome.,dunno,,,roadkill cafe sounds good tho
ps talken of titz, u still seeing yer big boobed babe?
started readen amazing book 2day..the feminization of nature, by deborah cadbury, if u havent read it, do so..its ve disturbingm, ab effects of oestregen chemicals on wildlife an dhumans, implications for us re breast cancer etc
am going back to reading it now, peeking ;-) not sad yet, ill wait t see wot he says when he writes, hes very sad that ive basically sed im not ready to rudsh nbacl to rome in april..but thats the truth, im tired and i wanna work on my project fir a while
beautiful landscape
not isolated cos of the good company, the 2 boys r lovely
i am hoping i can log in on monday same time as last week
we have 2 webcams going here every 30 seconds, the quality ids pretty good, juts capturing from a store surveiilance camera
anyway..i wanted u to see an article that describes the research project "my" adelaide-based physics phd student Kirsty Kitto is involved in ..i cant make much sense of the article yet, but she tells me their ideas have some similarities to david bohms:
i am reading 'the feminization of nature' by deborah cadbury, about the leaking of oestrogens into everything basically..very scary stuff
even tinned tomatoes arent safe, well, its the plastic lining in the tins in fact
thats ok 4 me, dont hve the camera setup here in the lab yet, the boyz r till asleep
now the boyz have gone to get water, we have run out, its very remote where the lab is!
today i want to get scanner hooked up and scan skeletions and shells ive found
and i must return to the macrolab diary which i avent written for 3 days
already the time feels like its ending and i am sad for this i want to be here for weeks and weeks
but perhaps newyork in yr studio willhave the same feeling
sleep is good
work is slow these past 2 days
today i try harder
i made u sum field recordings in the lab
loytta b'grnd noize, the boyz talken in slovenian, an excemmelt fone conversation over satellite, this american guyravin ob about how hes gonna fuck somone over
tonite ill ask marco to ake a direct line from md recorder to the dsatellute interceptor thing so ther wont be the external noise of the lab
yeah, the interface of the sony is too small..i kept accidentally erasing tracks wheni was recording, luckily i wsant using the los dias tape
i guess i can only getbetter
kruder dorfmeister
lissening to one of their albums, dunno whcih, johm made me an md..i like it, but i gess its too intelligent drum n bas 4 u?
working more cup of BAD coffee with INSTANT milk powder diary
yeah..last flesmeet was dec b4 xmas....i thought it was an ambivalent respoinse to say the least...mybfuture has a;ways been unmanned, thats why i wanted to practise more on him, but!
heh grlz
ive upoaded a few very compressed images (suitable for the web) of the makrolab to ephemeras account at SVA, i put wm in the liquid nation folder
marko il commandant says our bed =our room/private space, and we r allowed to be as messy as we like there!
the dayodead sound s good..possible to email article or no?
i liked the ambience of freddykruder cso here the boyz have bneen playen oldskol u2 and shite downloaded from net, reggae etc, truly damaging
am plodding away on my diary for the lab, its pretty dry
i realise ive been a bit traumatizesed by the ruwanda experience, i keep mulling over it
dija see me on webcam?
i am thinking to arrive NY march 29or30
hi ratz
thers somthing weird with netscape here and i cant save any jpgs from the webcam
cd u send me some that u have, or mitetake, for the lab diary page
can i help it if i live with neat boys!
hi grlz im connected to tokyo site
but can t get video capture to work
the cam switches between a viw of our sleeping quarters..that top bunk is moine..ratty captured me sleeping this morning, how excrutiatying
and then the next view is us at the console, being crew like
heh, ifaany letter cums from thiose wellcome sciart bastards can u open it, i guess i wd have herd by now if they wanted to iv david-the-p but anyway...maybe they sussed my dirty tryhard scam
u mite be unwilling to think strategically about anything that is to do with *us* but i am not prepared to meet u under conditions which are doomed for failure
and u can stick this up yr culo wher it belongs!!:
about us, i don't know if i can say that i will stay with you one, two or
10 years.
i dont want to stay one more minute let alone 2 minutes or 10 nanoseconds with u after that patronising insult!
i think tokyo is the go, but i am not sure i can log in tuesday
marco woke up at 6.30am, it was torture, thats why i had pillo over me dollhed xx
yr wed nite=my thurs morning which is ok for me
the cameras look amazing, and so cheap also
monochrome is best i reckon, more flattering ;-)
URL fir the spycam s/w that we r using in the lab, it works very well and its freeware =
lissening 2 yer sound on mty headfones
im doing a shiteload of tedios wk on los d, recompressing all the fucken images i made in NY fer example, ultra anal and ded boren, but shd make it run smoothly from the web and im using the blue cyan colur values like u ordered me 2 ;-)
drone-doll xox
had a great but scary snorkel this arvo
yeah, i got scared ogf whirlpools and ghosts and currents that wd drag me ouit toi see, s i clambered onto reef, killed my feetwwalking acoss reef, then jumped back into the water faull of waves at the worst place and paniced and marko rescued me :-)
fish r bewdiful
coffee still sux, bring yer own!
how do think reading that made me feel??? yeah, just think about how you might feel if i said that to you, would you feel like you were special to me, or just another toyboy, disposable, replacable, forgettable
so perhaps you are right
i dont understand shit
i give up
its all too hard