doll yoko says: all history is pornography
Liquid Nation says: welcome to complicity
[Le primitif d'Australie ou les Non-Non et les Oui-Oui: etude d'ethnologie comparee, Dayeris, Narrinyeris,
Kamilarois, Minnal-Yangas, Yirclas, Yarra-Yarras etc., etc. [The primitive Australian or the No Noes and the Yes
Yeses: study in comparative ethnology...], Dentu, Paris.
Australian ethnology studied to throw light on ancient world; pp.323-354: reactions to arrival of white man (quotes
Salvado on Swan River tribe), Aborigines assigned to settlers and pearl fishers in Western Australia, imprisonment of
Aborigines at Rottnest Island; pp.371-391 (AIATSIS)]
[Rottnest Island has a fascinating history as an Aboriginal penal settlement, a World War I camp for prisoners of war, a place for salt gathering and processing and a World War II military installation.]
[In 1838, the island was made a penal settlement, mostly for the indigenous aboriginal people. These prisoners were used to construct the buildings which now form the centre of the Thomsons Bay settlement. Rottnest Island is now a haven for holiday-makers who come to enjoy its cooler summer temperatures and to swim, dive, fish and relax.]
doll yoko says: your nation is built on strategic lies and considered silences, my island girl
terror [nuLLius] says: did you hope to govern peoples without at first making them unhappy?
Profanity says: laws are made by men who fuck their daughters
Liquid Nation says: fire walk with me