From: ;-D
To: dollyoko
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:58:32 +0100
Dear Francesca,
Thanks for your email. Yes, the manuscript arrived, some time ago. Sorry I didn't let you know before.
I have read quite a lot of it, and I'm sorry to say that -- though
personally I find it very interesting -- it isn't something we could handle as agents. I really don't think any commercial publisher -- in the current climate -- would take it on. It is too 'experimental', too difficult. And it must also be said that fiction based on internet exchanges -- especially with intensely sexual content -- is seriously unfashionable at present.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, But of course if you ever have any other fiction you'd like to show us, I'd be very happy to see it.
Would you like me to return the manuscript? To which address?
All the best,