so yesterday i was walking walking walking along the beach at sabaudia towards monte circeo, the mountain which in greco-roman tradition is the home of the sorceress circe...or she lived on an island near that mountain [see attached file for various notes on circe i found today trawling the nets, am sending some images also from the net, paintings of circe]

the ocean was very powerful, with non-stop waves and a very strong current pulling out towards the ocean in the direction of the mountain, in fact the closer i came to the mountain the more i was convinced that if i entered the sea at this point i would surely be drowned, such was the energy i felt..and today reading La Repubblica i learnt that a man had died yesterday in this very sea, on the other side of the mountain..dragged out by the current...

i had a lot of thoughts about liquid nation, and identity runners during my walk towards the sorceress.... i remembered how my original idea had been to create a personage called liquid nation who would be the voice of capital, greed, post industrialisation, corporate plunderers, etc and how pretty quickly i realised that it was impossible for me to write in this voice, i couldn't do it, nor did i want to

and so i had to step back from liquid and re-position her which is what ive been doing in an intuitive way with the reading ive been doing about sybyls and baubo archetypes/myths/historical figures...the text ive been writing....the images....salo and manequins... in the text other voices are seeping through, quotes from gashgirl, doll yoko, ephemera, discordia, profanity.... and im realising that liquid nation might not be a character as the way for example gashgirl or doll yoko had personalities and histories, but maybe it is that liquid nation is more like an operating system through which various executable files can be run....and these .exe files are female .. there is no doubt that my computer is gendered... the .exe's are various....some are ghost AI's, others are viruses, others are drone programs, segments of neural networks.... etc etc these .exe files stream, collide, cross-infect, mutate, replicate, auto-update, dissolve, corrupt etc there exists a tension between order and collapse in the LN OS

of course this is an old idea...and one which personally ive been playing with for 9 years since the birth of vns perhaps this idea of LN as an operating system i dont particularly want to make explicit in how she is represented, i dont want to be literal in the way in which i was literal with my vns matrix writing..but this idea is more for my fellow identity runners to know my latest flight path in the conceptualisation of LN...

one problem i have had in terms of the project is how to consider LN's relationship with ephemera and seems quite hard if not impossible to create together a kind of performance script for the 'micro-stage' ... so for me , as liquid, i want to use the resonances in my imagination that spring from physical and screenal contact with both ephemera and discordia to influence and colour the various streams of .exe's that emanate from LN for this reason...if either of u feel inspired to transmit more thoughts on how u see yr characters that wd be really its been sum months since each of us wrote and talked about how we relate to the characters weve been creating....i know LN has changed a lot for me, and am curious about changes which mite have occurred with your characters

i've been thinking ab the iD website...i dont have many ideas for its architecture, but that doesnt matter as ephem has a clear picture, and also discordia i think...i still seem stuck in linearity,,,,so i see the images and texts ive been working on as an archive to be accessed as you wish for the website and the performance,.,one problem is that the images ive been making only work in a horizonatal wide-screen format...and i'm not sure how they might be used if the screen is always split into 3 vertical frames,,,because they just dont work as long narrow images..they are fat and wide like me! what do u think?

it would be interesting during the web performance perhaps to have a kind of streaming window that thru some program which randomly selects images from the LN (and E and D) archive/s, could pump them thru this window...thats one idea i have how the images might be used... i am hoping that if u like this idea theres someone at parsons or in NY whoc can help with the programming..cos i dont have the contacts here for technical advice or practical help... i also guess that streaming of images would occur on a streaming server at ?? pasons?? star media?? sva?? anyway, i will try to get all compressed images to discordia so she can port them to NY with her and im thinking of burning a cdrom of the uncompressed hi-quality image files ive made for her to take also, in case there is stuff u want to resize or sample sections of, for this mythical streaming window or whatever else...

ive also been thinking about liquid nation text,and talking to marco -- i think its quite a boring text to read on screen -- that only fragments of it work as something for a viewer to read, and that it is more interesting to use fragments as sound bytes, loops etc -- i like the idea of random streams opening and closing i dont know about real audio -- i am supposing that all the streaming like the image streaming will happen from NY tonite -- hopefully D and me will make an audio cd of me droning the text -- then u cd encode it as RA in NY -- and mebbe select parts to make little sound files from -- i will send a print of the text with agnese where i will mark sections which to me mite work as loops...

well..i had more thoughts yesterday but rite now they elude me!

love and endless sorcery liquid xoxoxoxo

ps ephemera, the other day we made a video tape of the 3 to-be-streamed videos which discordia will bring to NY. i would also like to send to NY a copy of love hotel, as there are parts of it which mite be nice to stream also...and i am thing of it as an .exe of gashgirl in the LN OS paradigm