lazy sun sunday makes slow haul out from swag

face peeling like an archeological find, and i'm red and dusty from lying face down for mikey's sand and flour body stencils P4 yesterday

agnese has been dreaming for days to make a passagiata to the southern hills nestling at the base of the Caterpillar Dreaming, to the place of the men's business, Euro Dreaming ...and so, only 2 hours behind schedule, we set out with our water bottles, fly nets, cameras, texts, and 30+ sun screen

the glittering hills -- tiny traces of huge mountains which once rose out of prehistoric sea --fractally folding into and back onto each other

one becomes two, three, four -- agnese always pushing to go to that one there, the highest, and i obediently stumble and clamber behind her

she spots a euro, startled, it bounces away

we're taking the slow approach, climbing over the body of each rocky hill, pleasureful with purple and yellow flowers, pines and mallee, spinifexes and lichens -- the extreme fertility of the desert asserts itself at every moment

gold flash on the next hill -- dingo -- so well formed and furry, great arse! -- wondering what it likes to eat, whastever it is dingo obviously gets plenty of it

and now, two large creatures, not sure, kangaroo? wallaby? seem too tall for euro, not sure, not sure, whatever, they are stunning, and they know we are here, on their eating-grass hill

reach the top, 360 degrees of yellow green purple panorama

huge painted eagle chasing bird -- touch its wings nearly -- we're becoming sky